Screen, evaluate and administer individual treatment to preschool through high school aged children with speech and language deficits.
Consult with families and professionals (e.g.: occupational therapists, tutors, teachers) regarding the child’s overall performance and goals in all settings.
Coordinate treatment with teachers from various private and public schools in Chicago
Cases include: language (including literacy and social skills), fluency, disordered phonology in conjunction with phonological awareness and articulation.
Present to teachers and parents at various schools in Chicago
Co-Presenter for North Suburban Speech and Language Association - real-time webinar June 2020
Part of PediaSource, an expert panel for parents with questions
Consult with Wolcott School for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years
Supervised Rush University graduate students during their first clinical placement 2016 and 2017.
Presenter at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Schools convention in 2012
Presenter at Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention in 2008
Presenter at Learning Disabilities Association annual national convention in 2008
Guest lecturer at Northwestern University’s Communication Disorders Department and National Louis University’s “Intro to Special Education” class.
Former presenter for Best Practices: Training and Consulting-providing inservices for teachers
Agassiz Elementary School
Evaluated and adminstered treatment to students in a self-contained classroom designed for students with severe speech and language disorders. Team taught with a classroom teacher.
Worked closely wth general education teachers, parents, occupational therapists, and other special educators.
Case included: language, fluency, alternative & augmentative communication, and phonology.
Students ranged in ages from 7 – 11 years with diagnoses of learning disability, emotionally/behaviorally disturbed, attention deficit with hyperactvity disorder, autism, cleft palate, and cerebal palsy.
Supervised a Northwestern University graduate student during her school-based practicum.
Team Leader of Special Education
Contributor with Least Restrictive Environment Grant
Participant with Arts Partnership
Participant in School Improvement Plan
Spalding Elementary and High School
Evaluated and administered treatment to students in a predominantly special education setting.
Worked closely with teachers, parents, doctors, and other staff including speech-language pathologists.
Cases included: language, fluency, alternative & augmentative communication, oral-motor/feeding, phonology, and motor speech.
Students ranged in ages from 8 – 21 years with diagnoses of traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, autism, cerebral palsy, and mild to profound cognitive and physical disabilities.
Chicago Association for Retarded Citizens, La Paz School
Coordinating Teacher, taught 13 – 17 year-olds needing pervasive support
Evaluated and administered treatment to children affected by and infected with HIV. Families also were at risk for or had involvement with Department of Children and Family Services.
Worked as part of a team with peer counselors, nurses, developmental psychologists, occupational therapists, and case managers primarily in the homes as well as the hospital.
Cases included: language, oral/motor feeding, phonology, and fluency. Children ranged in ages from 0 – 7 years with diagnosis of developmental delay, prematurity, cognitive anomalies, in addition to HIV or AIDS.